…honored to be playing Superintendant Michaud…Zola helping to create a new language at the same time as Marx, Darwin, Dostoevsky…Keira Knightley fierce as Therese…favorite untranslatable line from novel “…Religions of the Heart are full of strange delicacies/distinctions/delusions”
February 28, 2022
February 27, 2022
Gootloader infection cleaned up
Dear blog owner and visitors,
This blog had been infected to serve up Gootloader malware to Google search victims, via a common tactic known as SEO (Search Engine Optimization) poisioning. Your blog was serving up 378 malicious pages. Your blogged served up malware to 57 visitors.
I tried my best to clean up the infection, but I would do the following:
- Upgrade WordPress to the latest version (one way the attackers might have gained access to your server)
- Upgrade all WordPress themes to the latest versions (another way the attackers might have gained access to your server)
- Upgrade all WordPress plugins (another way the attackers might have gained access to your server), and remove any unnecessary plugins.
- Verify all users are valid (in case the attackers left a backup account, to get back in)
- Change all passwords (for WordPress accounts, FTP, SSH, database, etc.) and keys. This is probably how the attackers got in, as they are known to brute force weak passwords
- Run antivirus scans on your server
- Block these IPs ( and, either in your firewall, .htaccess file, or in your /etc/hosts file, as these are the attackers command and control servers, which send malicious commands for your blog to execute
- Check cronjobs (both server and WordPress), aka scheduled tasks. This is a common method that an attacker will use to get back in. If you are not sure, what this is, Google it
- Consider wiping the server completly, as you do not know how deep the infection is. If you decide not to, I recommend installing some security plugins for WordPress, to try and scan for any remaining malicious files. Integrity Checker, WordPress Core Integrity Checker, Sucuri Security,
and Wordfence Security, all do some level of detection, but not 100% guaranteed - Go through the process for Google to recrawl your site, to remove the malcious links (to see what malicious pages there were, Go to Google and search site:your_site.com agreement)
- Check subdomains, to see if they were infected as well
- Check file permissions
Gootloader (previously Gootkit) malware has been around since 2014, and is used to initally infect a system, and then sell that access off to other attackers, who then usually deploy additional malware, to include ransomware and banking trojans. By cleaning up your blog, it will make a dent in how they infect victims. PLEASE try to keep it up-to-date and secure, so this does not happen again.
The Internet Janitor
Below are some links to research/further explaination on Gootloader:
August 13, 2019
dragonspring resurrection photo by Sara Krulwich from NY Times review

July 19, 2019
DRAGONSPRING : an exegesis
There is an urban legend in Shanghai. Construction of a major highway had to be halted when it was discovered that it would violate sacred ground considered the “home of a dragon”. Mystic rituals were requested to remove the taboo so that construction could be completed.
From this idea Chen Shi Zheng and his collaborators created a global, dark fairytale DRAGON SPRING PHOENIX RISE. Transporting the legend to under the Queens/ Long Island Expressway, an American Kung Fu Master known as Lone Peak runs a humble martial arts school in Flushing, Queens with his Chinese American wife, Lotus. After Lotus dies, Lone Peak is left to raise his daughter, Little Lotus. They and House Of Dragon’s most advanced and trusted students led by young master Lee, are the secret protectors of the Dragon Spring flowing in a cavern deep beneath the location of their school. The Dragon Spring is the source of Immortality . ( This can be read symbolically as the Taoist Way, the Buddhist Enlightenment, the Golden Elixir of Chinese internal medicine.) There are no shortcuts to its attainment. Those who seek it for greedy or evil intent will self destruct. Doug Pince, a powerful international businessman and leader of a private cult of martial artists, insinuates himself into the House of Dragon in an attempt at stealing the secrets for commercial and selfish reasons. He seduces and marries Little Lotus who betrays the secrets and bears twin children who embody the fulfillment of an ancient prophesy of the rise of the Dragon Phoenix and an epoch of world peace. When she realizes her betrayal has been a trick and a trap she rebels . A battle ensues.
Martial arts is liquid architecture of violence and spiritual transcendence.
Every move has a name and a history and a relation to physical and spiritual health as well as a martial application.
References in DSPR include Baguazhang Kung Fu, old school Kung Fu films such as Pride’s Deadly Fury, Wong Kar Wai’s The Grand Master, the late, great Louis Cha’s multi-volume Kung Fu novels such as The Deer And The Cauldron. In our deracinated culture. which has for so long ripped off the style and discarded the substance of martial arts it is long past due for an artist such as Chen Shi Zheng to wittily re-appropriate ( NYC born Kung Fu Panda authors collaborated ) in a pop art way with rigor and joy and subtle meaning authentic disciplines and ideas to share with the world.
Everything in this explanation is not literally expressed in the show. Sometimes it is indicated by the lights or the set or a haunting song by Sia or sonic wave by Arca. Songs in DSPR are used in a way Brecht or Shakespeare or a Noh play would. The text and the stylistic acting and staging are a product of a quest CSZ and I have been on together over two decades in four award winning productions for what we have called ‘the third thing’, an amalgam of Kunqu and Western acting techniques inspired by the manifestoes of Artaud . The reduced text is in line with work of Heiner Muller or early Sam Shepard or Michael McClure or plays of the Yuan Dynasty. The great choreographer Akram Khan, who did much of the amazing movement for the outstanding dancers, has stated recently he thinks of martial arts as a spiritual tool. Zhang Jun our fight choreographer told me that the most important thing he learned in his ten years at Shaolin Temple was “to be a good person”.The performers in DSPR are all masters of their physical and performance styles and decided to take a chance on an interdisciplinary project.
I remember seeing Robert Wilson’s LETTER TO QUEEN VICTORIA, Reza Abdoh’s FATHER WAS A PECULIAR MAN, Lee Breuer’s SAINT AND THE FOOTBALL PLAYER, Peter Brook’s MAHABHARATA , Arianne Mnouchkines LA TERRE PROMISE and Meredith Monk’s HOUSE. The spirit of adventure and ‘speaking about the unspeakable’, in Lyotard’s phrase, has continued to inspire me ever since and must be passed on to new artists.
July 9, 2018
Thanks a million
Really grateful to all the insightful, generous folks who have enjoyed and supported my work all these years. I have been imagining speaking to you through my acting and music and writing and sharing these existential epiphanies to help the creative world renew itself for the joy of all forever.
January 17, 2016
November 28, 2015
…General King Kong inspired by John Heartfields anti-Nazi photomontages in Berlin in the 30’s…I wanted a beard that links Greek, Civil War, and current wars…we talked about the physicality of Buster Keaton in The General ( in which he was an accidental hero of the Confederacy )…we talked about referencing horrible incidents of sexual harassment and noble ideals warped by lust and self delusion…
November 3, 2015
Keira Knightley as a fierce spirit in the age of the Impressionists…honored to be playing Superintendant Michaud…Zola creating a new language at the same time as Marx, Darwin, Dostoevsky…favorite untranslatable line from original novel “…Religions of the Heart are full of strange delicacies / distinctions / delusions…” additional reading ‘The Other Paris’ by Luc Sante
October 3, 2014
this is Charlie…JOHN WICK October 24th
…I am proud to be in JOHN WICK …it reminds me of artist Robert Longo’s early work that featured people in business clothes fighting viciously…it is low budget no cgi with highly skilled fight choreography by Chad Stahelski and David Leitch who have devoted a large part of their lives to internalizing what it means to be in a life and death struggle and conveying the physical and emotional cost of that…it features a modern protest song called “Killing Strangers” and a beautiful romantic ballad “Think”
April 22, 2014
Sunday May 18 WFUV FM 90.70 performing Old Skibbereen and Lass Of Aughrim on CEOL NA GAEL show at 12 Noon…listen now on SOUNDCLOUD …look for Dpkelly…songs play at 5:00 (Skibbereen) and 11:45 (Lass)