David Patrick Kelly

October 4, 2022

Safe Third Agreement Guatemala Meaning

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What Does the Safe Third Agreement in Guatemala Mean?

The Safe Third Agreement is an agreement between the United States and Guatemala that allows the US to send asylum seekers to Guatemala to seek asylum there, rather than in the US. This agreement is designed to help the US deal with the large number of asylum seekers who are arriving at the US border every day.

The Safe Third Agreement basically means that if someone wants to seek asylum in the US, they must first ask for protection in Guatemala. If asylum seekers do not first seek asylum in Guatemala, they may be sent back there by the US authorities.

The rationale behind this agreement is that Guatemala is a safe country for asylum seekers. According to the US government, Guatemala has a robust asylum system that is fully capable of protecting asylum seekers. As such, the US believes that asylum seekers will be safe in Guatemala and that there is no need for them to continue on to the US border.

Critics of the Safe Third Agreement argue that Guatemala is not a safe country for asylum seekers. They point to the high levels of violence and poverty in the country, as well as its weak asylum system. Some human rights groups have even called on the US to withdraw from the agreement, arguing that it violates both US and international law.

Despite the controversy surrounding the Safe Third Agreement, it remains in effect. Asylum seekers who pass through Guatemala on their way to the US should be aware of the agreement and what it means for their asylum claims. While the US government believes that Guatemala is a safe country for asylum seekers, it is up to each individual to decide whether or not they feel safe and protected there.

In conclusion, the Safe Third Agreement in Guatemala means that asylum seekers who want to seek asylum in the US must first seek protection in Guatemala. While the agreement remains in effect, there is much debate surrounding its legality and whether or not Guatemala is a safe country for asylum seekers. As such, those who are considering making the journey to the US border should be aware of the agreement and its implications.

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