David Patrick Kelly

May 27, 2022

Hold Harmless Agreement for Contractors

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpk3000 @ 4:56 am

As a contractor, it is important to have a hold harmless agreement in place to protect yourself from potential legal issues. A hold harmless agreement is a legal document that outlines the responsibilities of each party involved in a project or service agreement and limits liability and exposure to potential legal claims.

What is a Hold Harmless Agreement?

A hold harmless agreement, also known as a release of liability agreement, is a legal contract between two parties that releases one party from legal liability for any damages or injuries sustained by the other party during a project or service agreement. The purpose of a hold harmless agreement is to protect contractors from potential legal actions that may arise from the use of their services.

The agreement outlines the responsibilities of each party involved in the project or service agreement. It limits the responsibility of the contractor and ensures that the client assumes the risk of any potential damages or injuries. This protects the contractor from being liable for any claims that may arise from the client`s use of their services.

Why are Hold Harmless Agreements Important for Contractors?

Hold harmless agreements are essential for contractors because they protect them from legal actions that may arise from their work. In many cases, contractors may be held liable for damages or injuries that occur on the job site. This can be a costly and time-consuming process that can have serious consequences for the contractor`s business.

By having a hold harmless agreement in place, the contractor can ensure that they are protected from legal issues that may arise from their work. This provides peace of mind for the contractor and allows them to focus on providing quality services to their clients.

How to Create a Hold Harmless Agreement

When creating a hold harmless agreement, it is important to work with an experienced attorney who can help ensure that the agreement is legally enforceable. The agreement should be clear and concise and should include the following information:

– The names of the parties involved in the agreement

– A description of the project or service being provided

– The specific risks and liabilities being assumed by each party

– The terms and conditions of the agreement

– The duration of the agreement


A hold harmless agreement is an essential document for contractors to protect themselves from potential legal issues that may arise from their work. With the help of an experienced attorney, a clear and concise agreement can be created to ensure that contractors are protected from any potential legal claims that may arise from the use of their services. By prioritizing the legal protection of their business, contractors can focus on providing quality services to their clients without worrying about legal issues.

May 22, 2022

Exit Strategy Agreement

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpk3000 @ 9:54 am

Exit Strategy Agreement: What It Is and Why You Need One

An exit strategy agreement is a legally binding document that outlines the terms of a business partnership or joint venture. It also sets out how the parties involved will exit the agreement when the time comes. While many business owners may not want to think about the end of a partnership or joint venture, it`s essential to have an exit strategy in place to help you protect your business interests.

Why You Need an Exit Strategy Agreement

An exit strategy agreement is a crucial part of any business partnership or joint venture. Without an exit plan in place, disputes can arise, and the parties involved may not be able to come to an agreement on how to end the partnership or joint venture. This can lead to legal action and a lengthy court battle, which can be costly and time-consuming.

An exit strategy agreement allows you to plan for the end of your business partnership or joint venture from the very beginning. It sets out the terms of your agreement, including how the partnership will be dissolved and how any assets will be divided. This can help you avoid potential conflicts and ensure that you and your partner are on the same page.

What Should Be Included in an Exit Strategy Agreement

An exit strategy agreement should include the following:

1. The reason for the agreement: This should be stated clearly and concisely. You should also include the date that the agreement was entered into.

2. The exit strategy: This should outline how the partnership will be dissolved and how any assets will be divided. It should also state the length of the partnership and any provisions for early termination.

3. Responsibilities of each party: This should outline the responsibilities of each party during the partnership and during the exit process.

4. Confidentiality and non-disclosure agreement: This should be included to protect any confidential information that is shared during the partnership.

5. Dispute resolution: This should outline how disputes will be resolved between the parties involved.

6. Governing law: This should state which laws will govern the agreement.


An exit strategy agreement is an essential part of any business partnership or joint venture. It helps you plan for the end of your partnership and ensures that both parties are on the same page. By having an exit strategy agreement in place, you can avoid potential conflicts and protect your business interests. If you`re entering into a business partnership or joint venture, it`s crucial to have an exit strategy agreement in place from the very beginning.

May 11, 2022

Cohabitation Agreement Ct

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpk3000 @ 12:52 am

When two people decide to live together, they may not immediately think of the legal implications of cohabitation. However, it is important to consider drafting a cohabitation agreement to protect both parties` interests. In Connecticut, such agreements are recognized and enforceable under state law.

A cohabitation agreement, also known as a domestic partnership agreement, is a legal document that outlines the terms of a couple`s living arrangements. It can cover a variety of issues, including how expenses will be shared, who will own property acquired during the relationship, and what will happen if the relationship ends.

In Connecticut, cohabitation agreements are governed by the Uniform Premarital Agreement Act (UPAA), which provides guidelines for drafting and enforcing these agreements. To be enforceable, cohabitation agreements must be in writing, signed by both parties, and made voluntarily and with full disclosure of each party`s assets and debts.

One common provision in cohabitation agreements is the division of property acquired during the relationship. Without an agreement, property acquired during cohabitation may be considered joint property and divided equally in the event of a breakup. A cohabitation agreement can establish each partner`s separate property and clarify who owns what.

Another important consideration is shared expenses. Cohabitation agreements can outline how living expenses, such as rent, utilities, and groceries, will be divided between partners. This can help prevent misunderstandings and disputes over money.

In addition to property and expenses, cohabitation agreements can address issues such as spousal support, inheritance rights, and medical decision-making. These agreements can be an important tool for unmarried couples to protect their rights and interests in the absence of legal marriage.

Overall, a cohabitation agreement can provide essential legal protection and clarity for couples who choose to live together. If you are considering cohabitation in Connecticut, it may be worthwhile to consult with a lawyer experienced in drafting and reviewing these agreements to ensure that your interests are fully protected.

May 7, 2022

Derecognize an Ifrs 15 Contract Asset

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpk3000 @ 8:24 pm

Derecognizing an IFRS 15 Contract Asset: Everything You Need to Know

As a business owner or manager, it`s important to understand the ins and outs of IFRS 15, the international financial reporting standard for revenue from contracts with customers. One key aspect of IFRS 15 is the recognition and derecognition of contract assets, which can have a significant impact on your financial statements. In this article, we`ll explain what it means to derecognize an IFRS 15 contract asset and provide guidance on how to do it correctly.

What Is a Contract Asset?

Before we delve into derecognition, let`s first define what a contract asset is. According to IFRS 15, a contract asset is an entity`s right to receive payment for goods or services that have been delivered but not yet invoiced. This arises when the timing of revenue recognition does not align with the timing of billing. For example, if a company completes a project for a customer in December but does not bill the customer until January, a contract asset will be recorded for the amount of revenue earned in December.

When Should a Contract Asset Be Derecognized?

There are four scenarios in which a contract asset should be derecognized, according to IFRS 15:

1. The contract asset has been collected in cash or a cash equivalent.

2. The contract asset has been applied to reduce the amount billed to the customer.

3. The contract has been fully satisfied, meaning all obligations have been met.

4. The contract asset has expired due to the passage of time.

It`s important to note that derecognition of a contract asset should only occur when the criteria above are met. Premature derecognition can result in material misstatements in financial statements and non-compliance with accounting standards.

How to Derecognize a Contract Asset

When derecognizing a contract asset, there are a few key steps to follow:

1. Determine the reason for derecognition. This could be due to cash collection, application to reduce the amount billed, full satisfaction of the contract, or expiration of the asset.

2. Adjust the balance sheet. Remove the contract asset from the balance sheet and adjust any related accounts, such as accounts receivable or revenue.

3. Record the impact on the income statement. Depending on the reason for derecognition, there may be a gain or loss recognized on the income statement.

4. Disclose the derecognition in the notes to the financial statements. Provide a clear explanation of the reason for derecognition and any impact on the financial statements.


Derecognizing an IFRS 15 contract asset is an important accounting process that must be done correctly. By understanding the criteria for derecognition and following the appropriate steps, businesses can ensure compliance with accounting standards and accurate financial reporting. As always, it`s important to work with a qualified accountant or auditor to ensure that all reporting is done accurately and in compliance with accounting standards.

May 3, 2022

Is the Belfast Agreement Legally Binding

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpk3000 @ 12:45 am

The Belfast Agreement, also known as the Good Friday Agreement, is a landmark peace agreement that was signed on April 10, 1998, and is regarded as one of the most significant achievements in Northern Ireland’s modern history. The agreement brought an end to decades of conflict between nationalists and unionists, and paved the way for a more peaceful and prosperous future.

However, one question that often arises when discussing the Belfast Agreement is whether it is legally binding. The answer to this question is not straightforward, as the agreement is a complex document that covers a wide range of issues and has different levels of legal status.

Firstly, it’s important to note that the Belfast Agreement was not an international treaty, but rather a multi-party agreement between the UK and Irish governments, and the major political parties in Northern Ireland. As such, it is not legally binding in the same way that a treaty between sovereign states would be.

However, the agreement does have legal effect in several ways. Firstly, it was incorporated into UK law through the Northern Ireland Act 1998, which gives the agreement legal force in the UK. This means that the UK government has a legal obligation to implement the provisions of the agreement within Northern Ireland.

Secondly, the agreement has been endorsed by the United Nations, which has recognized it as a significant contribution to the promotion of peace and stability in Northern Ireland. While this endorsement does not make the agreement legally binding, it does give it a degree of international legitimacy and recognition.

More importantly, the Belfast Agreement has had a significant political impact in Northern Ireland, where it has helped to transform the political landscape and create a more stable and peaceful society. The agreement established a power-sharing government in Northern Ireland, which has been in place ever since and has played a crucial role in maintaining peace and stability in the region.

In conclusion, while the Belfast Agreement is not legally binding in the same way as a treaty between sovereign states, it does have legal force in the UK and has been recognized as a significant contribution to the promotion of peace and stability in Northern Ireland. Its impact goes far beyond its legal status and has helped to transform Northern Ireland into a more peaceful and prosperous society.

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